School of Molecular Sciences

Papers cited over 1000x as of March 25 2020

Dr. Austen Angell's complete publication/citation on google scholar

TitleCitationPublication Year
Formation of glasses from liquids and biopolymers
CA Angell Science 267 (5206), 1924-1935
Supercooled liquids and glasses
MD Ediger, CA Angell, SR Nagel The journal of physical chemistry 100 (31), 13200-13212
Nonexponential relaxations in strong and fragile glass formers
R Böhmer, KL Ngai, CA Angell, DJ Plazek The Journal of chemical physics 99 (5), 4201-4209
Relaxation in glassforming liquids and amorphous solids
CA Angell, KL Ngai, GB McKenna, PF McMillan, SW Martin Journal of applied physics 88 (6), 3113-3157
Relaxation in liquids, polymers and plastic crystals—strong/fragile patterns and problems
CA Angell Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 131, 13-31
Glass: structure by spectroscopy
J Wong, CA Angell M. Dekker
Vitrification as an approach to cryopreservation
GM Fahy, DR MacFarlane, CA Angell, HT Meryman Cryobiology 21 (4), 407-426
Perspective on the glass transition
CA Angell Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 49 (8), 863-871
Energy applications of ionic liquids
Douglas R. MacFarlane *a, Naoki Tachikawa a, Maria Forsyth b, Jennifer M. Pringle b, Patrick C. Howlett b, Gloria D. Elliott c, James H. Davis Jr. d, Masayoshi Watanabe e, Patrice Simon f and C. Austen Angell, Energy & Environmental Science 7 (1), 232-250